Oddo’s Angle: Dumbbell Burpees February 12, 2013February 17, 2013Articles, Videos SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest Kim Oddo and IFBB Figure Pro Krissy Chin demonstrate dumbbell burpees, designed to target the shoulders, chest, triceps and core while also elevating the heart rate.
January 10, 20154x Mr. Olympia Jay Cutler Video Interview4x Mr. Olympia Jay Cutler interviewed by IFBB Men’s Physique Pro Sadik Hadzovic npcnewsonline.com
July 9, 2018SteelFit® Athlete, IFBB Bikini Pro & Olympian Casey Samsel (@caseysamsel_bikini) uses SteelFit® Abs of Steel® and Buns of Steel® Video SteelFit® Athlete, IFBB Bikini Pro & Olympian Casey Samsel (@caseysamsel_bikini) uses SteelFit® Abs of Steel® and Buns of Steel® …
July 2, 20212021 NPC Universe Championships / NPC National Fitness Championships Thursday Overall Winners InterviewsWatch these Overall Winners interviews #exclusively on the NPC News TV You Tube Channel and npcnewsonline.com . J.M. Manion @aroundthenpc_jm …